How to Become a Member
Join us, become a member and support the B.C Zarathushti community
Join us, become a member and
support the B.C
Zarathushti community
As a not-for-profit organization, the ZSBC relies on your membership fees to operate & maintain our building of worship, support our members in multiple ways and fund programs & events for the year ahead.
The membership, is due March 21st of each year. Last year we had a record 670 paid members.
Paid Members Privileges and Rights:
- To participate at member-exclusive events,
- Get discounted rates on ticketed ZSBC events
- Get discounted rates on Darbe Mehr hall rentals,
- Receive subsidies and scholarships for youth and students,
- Receive free phone Directory and Persian (Fasli) Calendar
- Receive Notices and vote at Annual General Meetings and Special General meetings (unless they belong to a non-voting class)
- Requisition a members’ meeting subject to meeting the required threshold
- Submit a members’ proposal
- Inspect records, etc.
Fill the registration form:
Click the link below to fill the Member Registration form.Please note that you need to fill one form for:- each family ( Parents with children under 18)- each couple- or each individual above 18.
Please note that this registration is only for the Zoroastrian members, their spouse and children. For more information on who can become a member, please refer to the the ZSBC bylaws.
Here are ways you can pay your fees:
We encourage you to use the e-trasnfer option, if possible, as it is the most effective method. Thankyou!
1. Send an e-transfer directly from your bank account to: [email protected].
2. Contact the board of directors and pay your fees to them by cash, cheque or banker’s draft. Please make cheques & drafts payable to: ZSBC and please include the full name(s) of all the individuals you are paying for in the memo line of the cheque/draft or on a separate piece of paper. Again, please give us information about the member(s) being paid for (i.e. Homi Patel – Individual Membership [$50] & Rita Patel – Senior Membership [$25] = $75). You may contact the directors via email (click here for directors’ contact list).
*If you wish to include a donation in the form of a cheque or draft along with your membership fees, kindly provide a separate cheque/draft for your donation amount, as the donation amounts above $50 qualifies for a tax receipt and we need to track it accordingly.*
3. Mail us your cheque or banker’s draft*. Follow the directions in option 2 above regarding how to make out your cheque or banker’s draft and please mail it to:
* Please email [email protected] informing our treasurer that your payment is in the mail so they can look out for it.
4. Pay online on the form below where you can pay with a Debit Visa Card or credit card through PayPal.
Please note: this form uses PayPal service to process you payment. Paypal charges ZSBC a fee and it will be deducted from your payment prior to ZSBC receiving it. You will not be charged this fee unless you choose to cover it as well
- Please select your option in the drop-down menu for “Membership Type”
- In the “Member Name(s)” section, enter each member’s first & last name and separate each name with a comma and space.
- Click the “Add to Cart” button below to pay the membership fee.
Standard receipts are available upon request. Membership fees do not qualify for tax receipts.
If including a donation via cheque/draft, please issue a separate cheque for your donation, as donations over $50 qualify for a tax receipt.
Membership Rates:
Husband & wife, including children under 17 years old
Husband & wife, including children under 17 years old)
65 years old & over
Full-Time Student
18 years old & over
18 years & over; including those living with parents
Not residing in B.C.
Associate Member
must be nominated by a ZSBC member in good standing – *subject to further approval by the ZSBC board of directors*
The ZSBC Membership period is from March 21st of the current year to March 20th of the following year and must be renewed annually to remain active.
ZSBC Membership Fees can be paid by cash, cheque, e-transfer or via credit card or Visa Debit on our website via PayPal. You may contact any of the board of directors listed here to pay your fees in person.
We thank you for your continued membership with ZSBC ?